Distributed Marketing in San Diego

Harris Consulting understands that marketing today is all about creating relevant and useful content. Michael Harris is leading this new breed of marketing consulting company in a McKinsey-like way, underpinning the SEO marketing content with an online business conversion process and then proliferating that content across hundreds of marketing channels to create a dialogue with prospects. Mike Harris can function as your interim marketing vice president in San Diego so you don’t have to search any farther for a marketing agency in San Diego. As a marketing consulting specialist in San Diego who deeply understands distributed marketing in the greater San Diego area, Mike Harris has been delivering marketing solutions in San Diego for a long time. As a next level marketing agency in San Diego, Mike realized that the marketing industry is rife with unmanageable and costly complexity because most marketing vendors are highly specialized in single labor-intensive niches such as advertising or ad agencies in San Diego, public relations marketing companies in San Diego, website development companies advertising online in San Diego, SEO and other industry analysis. Enter the internet marketing solutions company of the future, Harris Consulting. As a strategic marketing consulting firm in San Diego, we blend data driven market insight, purchase behavior metrics and marketing analytics to reduce marketing costs with a “lazy susan” approach to marketing solutions, marketing ideas and social media services, which clients use to create their own customized marketing plan in San Diego with a mix of highly targeted marketing to their particular audience.

Our marketing consulting services significantly boosts a client’s ability to find and convert new customers while reducing overall marketing costs because our model reduces labor costs, complexity, redundancy and waste in the marketing value chain.

We lower a client’s marketing costs by creating efficiencies across multiple marketing channels and solutions that the client simply cannot achieve on their own. In addition our clients enjoy a continuously innovating stream of marketing solutions that ensures their strategic marketing plan will stay current and that their marketing message reaches their target market they way it wants to be reached.

Our marketing consulting model greatly reduces a client’s need to provide routine oversight and continuous updating of multiple marketing vendors. This frees up management time to better understand and focus on effective responses to today’s unrelenting competitive pressures. In addition, we also provide marketing measurements demanded by CEOs in virtually all industries.

Gen X is entering the management ranks and replacing the boomer advertising and marketing execs who were trained during the “golden age of advertising”, when marketing was considered an art, not a science. This generation grew up with technology and valuing it in all aspects of work and life is intuitive. They will make better prospects because they will not require as much basic education as the current crop.

The ongoing economic downturn puts continuous pressure on companies to do more with less. Our solutions fill that requirement nicely.

Businesses are starting to spend more on marketing.

Prospects understand that social media and internet marketing are here to stay, however most don’t have even a basic understanding of why and where to start.

Smaller ad agencies in vertically rigid categories (PR, advertising, strategy consulting) are folding due to economic downturn. Creates opportunity for multi-solution vendors like us.

Marketing technology is still a mystery to the majority of marketers. Few have time to learn it due to current work demands, which leaves them stuck in a continuous loop of declining value to their organizations because technology and marketing science are moving ahead rapidly. Our solutions offer them a chance to get their companies caught up. Our solutions also offer them a chance to try many different marketing mixes without the time and cost of ramping up internal people or agencies.

To benefit from your own strategic marketing consulting provided by Harris Consulting, LLC, please go to http://www.harconllc.com or email Michael Harris at harrisconsulting2010@gmail.com.  You can dial us toll free at +1 866 856 5669.

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